Pune is a fast growing modern city and the population of Pune is approximately 31.2 lacks and the garbage generated daily is approximately 1600 to 1700 tons, so we can imagine the condition of dumping grounds with all this huge mass of waste daily and the stench it was creating after the decomposition of this garbage. The segregation, the waste management was being difficult because of these conditions. The chemicals used to decompose or deodorization were playing havoc with the staff working at dumping grounds.
PCMC contacted Rutu Biosystems with this problem and our team was happy to solve this problem. We suggested Odofresh Conc to be used, as it was a pre-tried sure
solution for such problems. The ease of use of this solution made the workers at dumping grounds very happy. A can of 5 liters was to be emptied in a sprayer,
diluted with water and was to be sprayed on the incoming garbage. That was the ease of use and results are astounding.
This huge dumping ground was made completely odorless and the workers could breath better which indirectly improved their health and hygiene standards of working.